
Icarus Guide: How to Craft Fuel and Grenades

You start your Icarus runs with measly weapons that only tickle hostiles. Eventually, you’ll have modern armaments that can deal tremendous damage. Here’s our Icarus guide to help you craft grenades with the Machinist Bench and fuel with the Biofuel Composter.

Note: For more information, check out our Icarus guides and features hub. Likewise, you can take a look at our modern weaponry crafting guides for steel/gunpowder and firearms (pistols, shotguns, and rifles).

How to Craft Fuel and Grenades in Icarus

Before you can craft grenades in Icarus, you’ll first need to acquire fuel. As of now, I only know of one source — the Biofuel Composter. Here’s what we need (remember to unlock the corresponding tech tree blueprints):

Biofuel Composter (Tier 3/Machining Bench)

  • 20x iron ingot and 8x copper ingot – Iron ores and copper ores can be mined in caves. Just watch out for cave worms. Once you have the ores, you need the Stone Furnace (Tier 2) to smelt them into ingots.
    • Stone Furnace (Tier 2/Crafting Bench) – 4x stick, 8x wood, 80x stone, and 12x leather.
  • 12x concrete mix – Created using the Concrete Mixer (Tier 3); requires 1x tree sap, 8x stone, and 4x silica.
    • Concrete Mixer (Tier 3/Machining Bench) – 50x wood, 40x stone, 20x iron ingot, 8x rope, and 8x iron nail.
    • Tree Sap – Created using the Mortar and Pestle (Tier 2); requires 4x stick.
    • Silica – You’ll find silica deposits in various open areas, not inside caves.
  • 20x steel screw – Created using the Machinist Bench; requires 1x steel ingot to craft 100x steel screw.

Biofuel Can (Tier 3/Machining Bench)

Each Biofuel Can requires 25x iron ingot. You need to have at least one as a container for fuel.

Icarus Craft Grenades Fuel Guide Frag Grenade Smoke Grenade Biofuel Composter 1a

Crafting Fuel with the Biofuel Composter

Place the Biofuel Composter on the ground (it doesn’t need to be in a shelter) and add the Biofuel Can in one of the device inventory slots. Next, you’ll want to add 1x tree sap and any of the following materials:

  • 1x wood (most cost-effective option)
  • 2x raw meat
  • 5x stick
  • 5x fiber
  • 5x cooked meat

Note: Each fuel that you craft with the Biofuel Composter increases the amount held by the Biofuel Can (denoted by a pip).

Icarus Craft Grenades Fuel Guide Frag Grenade Smoke Grenade Biofuel Composter 1b

Crafting Frag Grenades and Smoke Grenades with the Machinist Bench

Now that you have fuel, it’s time to craft grenades in Icarus. You can unlock the Frag Grenade and Smoke Grenade blueprints in the Tier 3 tab. They’re both made using the Machinist Bench. Here are the materials:

  • Frag Grenade – Fuel, 1x iron ingot, and 10x gunpowder.
  • Smoke Grenade – Fuel, 1x iron ingot, and 10x stone.

Make sure to place all materials, including the Biofuel Can, in the device inventory slots. This will let you click on the craft button to create these explosives.

Icarus Craft Grenades Fuel Guide Frag Grenade Smoke Grenade Biofuel Composter 2

Icarus is available via Steam. For more information, check out our guides and features hub.

Icarus Guide: How to Craft Fuel and Grenades
Source: Philippines Poverty

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