TT Games’ latest Lego title, Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, promises to blow the developer’s previous projects out of the water in terms of scope. It will cover all nine major Star Wars films, including the exceptionally controversial prequel and sequel trilogies. The project represents a significant jump from Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga, which covered six films. Evidently, the Lego Star Wars series has changed quite a bit since its humble beginnings in 2005, and fans will soon get the opportunity to experience this evolution for themselves. According to a recent tweet on the official Lego Star Wars Twitter account, The Skywalker Saga has a release date of April 5.
This tweet links to a rather extensive gameplay overview trailer that shows off The Skywalker Saga‘s various gameplay nuances. Notable features shown in the trailer include the incorporation of multiple routes, the ability to explore areas beyond what the main story missions have to offer, and a combat system that encourages air juggles of all things. Additionally, the trailer includes a cheeky “did Han Solo or Greedo shoot first” gag, which may cause some to roll over laughing and others to roll their eyes.
Not all is well at the studio
Although the news surrounding the release date of The Skywalker Saga will no doubt please devoted fans, it came at a bad time. Alongside the release date announcement comes a Polygon report that covered the crunch issues which apparently plagued TT Games over the years. These issues reportedly did not go away during the development of this project, and many of the claims made in the article are quite harrowing.
Completely verifying the article remains difficult thanks to its reliance on anonymous sources, but it nonetheless warrants concern. Ultimately, only the customer can decide whether they want to buy The Skywalker Saga in light of this news.
April release date unveiled for Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
Source: Philippines Poverty