“Struggling with Sifu?” the game’s latest trailer asks. Well, for anyone who’s played the game, that answer should be obvious. Sloclap’s martial arts brawler is a brutal journey of vengeance, and some players have asked for things to maybe get toned down a bit. The developer listened and is introducing an easier and harder mode tomorrow. But at the time of the reveal, we didn’t know what these new options would be like. Over the weekend, Sloclap released a video that details the three new difficulty options coming to Sifu.
The most popular question following the reveal has been: which new difficulty option in Sifu is the default? There will be three options to choose starting on May 3: Student, Disciple, and Master. For those sick of getting their butts handed to them, Student would be a great option. Master, on the other hand, is designed to challenge Sifu veterans. Disciple, as you may have guessed by now, is akin to the game’s original difficulty.
The new trailer details the two previously unknown difficulty options in Sifu. Student will decrease the aggressive behaviors of enemy AI. Enemies are also weaker, and the aging mechanic is far more forgiving. Master difficulty is where the game turns up the heat. Enemy aggression is much higher than before, and bosses receive new attack patterns. The video doesn’t mention a change to the aging mechanic, however. It seems that’ll remain the same as Disciple.
For Pak Mei masters, or masochists
Sifu was already quite the challenge, but the new difficulty options are set to change that. The video above provides a brief look as examples. For Student, enemies seem to like hovering around while you pummel their friend. It’s the opposite in Master, where our poor protagonist is bounced around like a ping pong ball. I’ve already paid my dues in Sifu, but maybe you’re looking for something more challenging. Pay some respects for the future broken controllers.
Sifu‘s new difficulty options are the first part of its new 2022 roadmap. They’ll be available tomorrow, May 3.
Sifu trailer details the differences in its upcoming difficulty options
Source: Philippines Poverty